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Webmentions and Sundays
Wouter Groeneveld ran a Webmentions server then decided to stop running it, because it costs him too much time:
I’d rather spend my Sunday doing something else.
(From: Why I Retired My Webmention Server | Brain Baking)
He questions if it's worth having mentions at all if most are likes and most are sent from Bridgy, a centralised service.
Food for thought. I think I like even the mentions that are just likes… not as some vanity metric, but because it adds a layer of humanity and, community, at least in my bubble. But it is at the expense of privacy. And simplicity (shoutout to Mu-An and Robb's OpenHeart, which is indeed “much, much, much simpler”). And efficiency, especially if you recheck for deletion of replies, as Robb concludes you probably should (not the same Robb).