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Real time accessibility , external
What can we do to make apps for real time collaboration, like Google Docs, more accessible?
This month, W3C published a new document called CTAUR (Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements). Previous docs in this ‘series’ include XAUR (on XR), NAUR (on natural language interfaces like voice agents and chatbots), SAUR (on synchronisation in media, like that of captions and video) and RAUR (on RTC). The Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group bas been busy in the last few years. Note, these are all non-normative.
CTAUR covers a number of aspects that go beyond WCAG:
- Real-time and asynchronous co-editing (including things like where are other people in the document currently)
- Annotation of content with comments
- Comparing revisions
- Suggested changes
- Access controls
For each, it describes users needs and corresponding requirements.
TAG on third party cookies , external
Hadley Beeman of the Technical Architecture Group:
After reading Google’s announcement that they no longer plan to deprecate third-party cookies, we wanted to make our position clear.
(From: Third-party cookies have got to go | 2024 | Blog | W3C)