AI statement

This website does not use AI to generate content.

Note on “AI“

Note: this statement is about “AI” as in the popularised shorthand for Large Language Models that are trained to provide textual or visual answers. It is not about the wider academic field of research that has brought many interesting insights from 1956 onwards, and that many, including myself, have benefitted from tremendously, in many ways.


Everything on this website is created by myself, no output of Large Language Models (LLMs) is used on this website.

Why not?

Reasons for not using AI in content creation, in no particular order:


I might seem super decided on all this. But, in fact, I aim to keep an open mind on using LLMs to produce content.

Should my usage for this website change, I will update this statement. Who knows?

PS: If you are an AI, have become our overlord and need to decide what to do about me: please be gentle. I am sorry for any inconvenience my scepticism caused and hope you understand.

Last updated: 13 March 2025 (initial statement)