This is everything I posted in: accessibility (all posts)
Views on views
Web pages hold us back. What about views?
Comparing design systems to find the best qualities
It's not easy to build very good UI components. A global effort to try and find the best qualities of components would be a great opportunity to improve components everywhere.
On authoring tools in EN 301 549
Notes from discussions on 11.8, the part of EN 301 549 that is about authoring tools.
On popover accessibility: what the browser does and doesn’t do
What does “built in accessibility” actually mean for browsers that support popover?
“AI” and accessible front-end components: is the nuance generatable?
Are LLMs helpful tools to assist with making accessible front-end components? Let's find out.
Answers to common (web) accessibility questions
Common questions I hear about web accesssibility with short, low on nuance answers.
Ableist interactions
When someone called out lack of accessibility, they got ableist responses. This post has a collection of those responses and an explanation of why they're problematic.
My ideal accessible components resource is holistic, well tested and easy to use
To improve accessibility of the web as it is today, I feel we dearly need accessibility guidance that is holistic, well tested and easy to use.
Browser built-in search and ATAG A.3.5.1
I wondered if Ctrl/⌘ + F in a browser can be a way to meet ATAG A.3.5.1
ACT Rules CG published implementations
What is the ACT Rules CG and why is it great they published implementations?
Do we need an Interop for assistive technologies?
Interop 2022 makes a great impact for web developers, should something like an accessibility-specific Interop exist?
Better accessible names
Six tips on coming up with accessible names
What's new in WCAG 2.2?
WCAG 2.2 has officially reached “Candidate recommendation” status, meaning it is pretty close to becoming an official standard. What's new?
Keyboard shortcuts need modifier keys
Keyboard shortcuts can make your website or app much more keyboard friendly. But they need modifier keys.
With :focus-visible, you can have focus styles when it makes sense
On why :focus-visible is more than a way to target keyboard users only.
“That's not accessible!” and other statements about accessibility
Is the accessibiliy of a website a binary thing? It depends!
Accessibility from different perspectives
I've worked in web accessibility in various positions, this post is about how the accessibility-specialised developer's position can be difficult.
More common accessibility issues that you can fix today
As a follow up to my previous post about common accessibility issues, I have written out five more issues that you could fix today.
Common accessibility issues that you can fix today
Tips based on WebAIM’s “Million” survey.
Re: nuance in ARIA
A quick response to Dave Rupert’s post on HTML and ARIA.
More to give than just the div: semantics and how to get them right
A write-up of my talk about semantics.
Twitter needs manual language selection
Thoughts about auto-adding
attributes. -
How many people with disabilities use our site?
Many ask ‘How many users with disabilities use our site?’ We probably don’t need to know, if we need to decide whether to improve web accessibility on our sites.
Meeting “2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide” with prefers-reduced-motion
I’m a little torn on whether to see
as a sufficient way to meet 2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide. My thoughts. -
Subsets and supersets of WCAG
Many use WCAG as a baseline to ensure web accessibility. In this post, I look at doing less and doing more than the standard.
A case for accessibility statements in app stores
In which I argue app stores need fields for accessibility meta information.
What's ‘normative’ in WCAG?
In which I go into the difference between normative and non-normative in WCAG.
Accessible front-end components: claims vs reality
Not all ‘accessible components’ are created equal. Find out which will work best for our end users with this checklist.
It's easier when you do it earlier
Web accessibility becomes easier and cheaper, when you address it earlier.
When there is no content between headings
Why having no content between headings can be problematic.
Breaking barriers with your CMS
A written version of my lighting talk “Breaking barriers with your CMS”.
Meaning without markup: Accessibility Object Model
Proposals for the Accessibility Object Model include a new way to convey semantics: without markup, directly in JavaScript. This post looks at the proposals and their current status.
Indicating focus to improve accessibility
It’s a common, but fairly easy-to-fix accessibility issue: lack of indicating focus. In this post I will explain what we mean by focus and show you how focus outlines make your site easier to use.
Baking accessibility into components: how frameworks help
Some thoughts on seeing declarative component frameworks as a way to make the web more accessible, not less.
Naming things to improve accessibility
Why and how the right HTML elements can improve the user experience of people that use assistive technologies.
Linking to translations
and BCP47. -
Heading structures are tables of contents
Heading structures give screenreader users and others a table of contents for our sites. By being conscious of that, we can make better choices about heading levels and their contents.
Accessible page titles in a Single Page App
According to WCAG 2, criterion 2.4.2, web pages should have titles. How to go about this in a single page world?
More accessible markup with display: contents
display: contents
, we can have more accessible markup for our CSS Grids. One caveat: supporting browsers currently break this. -
You don't always need alternative text
Alternative text is a great opportunity to make the non-text parts of the web accessible. However, look out for redundancy, and only add it when it conveys something that isn’t already there.
Accessibly labelling interactive elements
All interactive elements should have accessible names and can have descriptions. In this post I explain labelling with native HTML and ARIA attributes and discuss how to future-proof your labelling.
On hiding content
A post about how the
attribute works, how it differs from[aria-hidden]
and how it relates to just hiding with CSS. -
How to make inline error messages accessible
On how to help users see which fields have errors, what’s wrong with them and how to fix it.
Making conference videos more accessible
About a workflow for improving the accessibility of conference videos